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  1. Yes, Healing Touch and Reiki are similar in that they are both a form of Energy Medicine that occurs in the biofield.
  2. Reiki is passed from one individual to another, whereas The Healing Touch certification process involves five levels of structured coursework, an apprenticeship period (typically a year or more) under a Certified Healing Touch Instructor, and formal submittal of case studies and writings to an international organization for evaluation.
  3. Healing Touch is a collection of several healing approaches from many traditions and many healers from around the world.  Reiki is one particular approach.
  4. Healing Touch is taught by an international nonprofit (Healing Beyond Borders) with teachings that are standardized, so that everyone studying Healing Touch learns the same techniques. That helps it to be easily understood and researched.
  5. Healing Touch focuses on personal development, has Core Values, Standards of Practice, and Code of Ethics. Heart-Centeredness is the most important.
  6. Healing Touch wisdom says that we don’t do the healing but become a facilitator for the intention of the Client’s Highest Good. That is our objective. The healing is between the client and the Creator. We help clients to relax and learn to hold a high vibrational sacred space.


Category: Energy Work

Rediscover your center & feel your energy flow freely

Lafayette, LA, USA
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